Walax-ogaalka -P-

Erayada ka bilowda xarafka P ee Walax-ogaalka (physics)

  • Pair: Lammaane
  • Parabola: Saable
  • Paramagnetism: Ku-siq-birlabeed
  • Parallax rays: Fallaadho udhaw dhidib
  • Parity: Sargo’an
  • Partial Pressure: Cadaadis Qaybeed
  • Particle: Saxar
  • Partial Eclipse: Madoobaad Dhiman
  • Pascal’s Law: Xeerka Baaskal
  • Paschen’s Series: Taxa Baakhan
  • Paul’s Exclusion Principle: Xeerka Bawl ee kuma-jiraanka (Madhidda)
  • Path of rays: Marrinka Fallaadhaha
  • Pencil of light: Dhud ilays
  • Pendulum: Walhade
  • Pendulum, compound: Walhade isku-dhisan
  • Pendulum, simple: Walhade fudud
  • Pentode: Shanqotin
  • Penumbra: Binimbaraa
  • Perfect Gas Laws: Xeerarka Neefaha Qumman
  • Period: Kal
  • Periodic Law: Xeerka Kalgalka
  • Period of oscillation: Kal walhasho
  • Periscope: Beeriskoob
  • Permanent Dipole: Labaqotinle Waara
  • Permeability: Habid
  • Perpetual Motion: Socod Waara
  • Phase: Weji
  • Phase Shift: Sinqad weji
  • Phase velocity: Kaynaan weji
  • Phosphor: Foosfor
  • Photochemical Cell: Unug Footokimikaad
  • Photochemical Equivalent: Gudboon Footokimikaad
  • Photochemistry: Footokimikado
  • Photoelectric Absorption: Nuugis Footodanab
  • Photoelectric Effect: Raadka Footodanab
  • Photoelectrons: Footodanabyo
  • Photograph: Masawir
  • Photographic Development: Dhisid Masawir (Sifayn)
  • Photometer: Footobeege
  • Photometry: Footobeegis
  • Photon: Footon
  • Photovoltaic Cell: Unug Footofooltig
  • Physical Laws: Xeerarka Dabiiciga ah
  • Physical Optics: Oobtikada Dabiiciga ah
  • Pico: Biiko
  • Pico-Farad: Biiko-Faraad
  • Physics: Walax-ogaal, Fiisikis
  • Pinhole Camera: Kamaro Bindalool
  • Piston: Cabidhiye
  • Pitch: Danan
  • Plank’s Constant: Madoorsoomaha Balaank
  • Plane: Sallax
  • Plane Mirror: Muraayad Sallax
  • Plane of Incidence: Sallax Abbaar
  • Plane of Reflection: Sallax Noqod
  • Plane of Refraction: Sallax Qalloocsan
  • Planet: Meere
  • Plastic: Cinjir
  • Pluto: Buluuto
  • Point: Bar
  • Point of incidence: Bar-abbaar
  • Point of reflection: Bar-noqod
  • Point of refraction: Bar-qalloocsan
  • Point Source: Il-bareed
  • Polarisation: Cidhifayn
  • Polariser: Cidhifeeye
  • Pole: Cidhif
  • Polychromatic: Dhafan midan, badan midab
  • Polychromatic light: Dhafan midanbilays, badan midabilays
  • Positive: Togan
  • Positive ion: Ayoon togan
  • Positive charge: Danab togan
  • Potential Difference: Kayd faraq
  • Potential Divider: Kayd qaybiye
  • Potential Energy: Tamar kayd
  • Potentiometer: Kaydbeege
  • Pound: Rodol
  • Pound Weight: Culays Rodol
  • Power: Awood
  • Powder: Budo
  • Power Factor: Saami Awood
  • Power Loss: Awood lumis
  • Precision: Jaan-go’
  • Pressure: Cadaadis
  • Primary Cell: Unug Aas-aas
  • Primary Colors: Midabyada Aasaasiga ah
  • Primary Coil: Duubka Aasaasiga ah
  • Primary focus: Kulmiska aasaasiga ah
  • Primary pigment: Rinjiga aasaasiga ah
  • Principal Axis: Dhidib dhexaad
  • Principal plane: Sallax dhexaad
  • Printed Circuit: Mareeg Daabacan
  • Prism: Biriisam
  • Process: Hab
  • Propagation: Baahid
  • Propagation of Light: Baahidda Ilayska
  • Propagation velocity: Socodka Baahidda
  • Proportion: Saami
  • Proton: Baratoon
  • Pulse: Jugle
  • Pump: Buufiye
  • Pupil: Wiil

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