Erayada ka bilowda xarafka L-

Noolekasmo / Caafimaad


  • Labium: Debin, Faruur, Birshin
  • Lacrimal duct: Marinka ilmada
  • Lactase: Caanoyiire
  • Lactation: Caanodhiiqid
  • Lactic acid: Caanaasho
  • Lactose: Caanoceen
  • Lacunae: Dululaatiyare
  • Lamella: Hoosroor
  • Lamina: Baabaco caleen
  • Lamprey: Laambaray
  • Large intestine: Mindhicirweyne
  • Larvae: Caydi
  • Laryngeal cartilage: Carjow qulaanqulshe
  • Larynx: Qulaanqulshe
  • Larynx , Locomation: Dhaqdhaqaaq qulaanqulshe
  • Latent period: Kal daahsoon
  • Lateral: Dhinaceed, feedheed
  • Lateral line system: Habdhis xariiq dhinaceed
  • Lateral roots: xidido dhiniceed
  • Laxative: Jilciye
  • Layer: Lakab
  • Leaf blade: Baabaca caleen
  • Leaf disease: cudur caleemeed
  • Leaflet: caleenyaro
  • Leaf scar: nabar caleen
  • Leaf sheath: kiish caleen / gal caleen
  • Leaf stalk: Samay caleen
  • Leather: Harag / maqaar
  • Leach: culaacul
  • Lens: Bikaac
  • Lentical: Dalool
  • Leukocytes: Dhiigcadduuno (Unugyada dhiigga cadcad)
  • Leukocytosis: Dhiigcadduunow , Dhiigcadduuno badow
  • Life cycle: Meerto nololeed
  • Life span: Cimri dherer
  • Ligaments: Seedo
  • Limb : Addin
  • Limb girdle: Tax addin
  • Lim skeleton: Qalfoof addin
  • Limitating Factor: Qodob koobe
  • Linkage: Taxniin
  • Lipase: Duxyiire
  • Lipids: Dux
  • Liver Fluke: Faraqle beer
  • Living organism: Noole nool
  • Lobster: argoosato
  • Locomotion: Dhaqdhaqaaq
  • Loob of Henle : Qoolka Henli
  • Lower jaw: Daanhoose
  • Lumber vertebrae: Ricir xanjaad
  • Lumen: Moqoruun , Moqor unug
  • Luminescent: Xubno biriq
  • Lung: Sambab
  • Lung fluke: Faraqle sambab
  • Lung worm: Gooryaan sambab
  • Lymph: Liimfe, Biyo-eke
  • Lymphatic organ : xubin biyeekaad
  • Lymphatic system: Habdhis biyeekaad
  • Lymphocyte: Biyekuuno

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