Erayada ka bilowda xarafka I ee Xisaabta
- Identical figures: Shaxanno midaalsan
- Identity: Midaal
- Identity element: Asalmadoorshe
- Identity relation: Xiriir asalmadoorshe
- If and only if: Haddii iyo haddii qudha
- Image: Humaag
- Image of an element: Humaag walxeed
- Imaginary: Khayaal
- Imaginary axis: Dhidib khayaal
- Imaginary numbers: Tirooyin khayaal
- Imaginary part of a complex number: Jeex khayaal tiro murakab
- Imaginary roots: Xididdo khayaal
- Implementation: Hirgalin
- Implication: Daminaad
- Implies: Daminataa
- Implicit function: Fansaar dahsoon
- Improper function: Jajab ma qummane
- Inch: Hiish
- In-circle: Goobogudeed
- Inclination, angle of: Xagal janjeer
- Inclination of a line in a plane: Janjeerka xarriiq ku taal sallax
- Inclination of a line in a space: Janjeerka xarriiq ku taal dululaati
- Inclined plane: Sallax janjeera
- Inclusion: Ku jirid
- Inconsistent equations: Surmaseegto
- Increasing function: Fansaar kordha
- Increment: Koror
- Indefinite (integral): Hubnayn (abyane)
- Independent: Madaxbannaan
- Independent events: Waqdhacyo madaxbannaan
- Independent variables: Doorsoome madaxbannaan
- Index: Muujiye
- Indices: Muujiyeyaal
- Inductive method: Habka dheegid
- Inequality: Ismaleāeg
- Inference: U cuskasho
- Inference, statistical: U cuskasho tirokoobeed
- Infinite: Makoobane
- Infinite sequence: Susun makoobane
- Infinite series: Darcerin makoobane
- Infinite set: Urur makoobane
- Infinity: Tirobeel
- Infinity, point at: Bar tirobeel
- Infinity, line at: Xarriiq tirobeel
- Inflexion: Rogmad
- Inflexion point: Bar rogaal
- Inscribed: Dhex meeran
- Instantaneous: Ilbidhiqsiyeed
- Instruction: Amar
- Integer: Abyoone
- Integer, negative: Abyoone taban
- Integer, positive: Abyoone togan
- Integral calculus: Kaalkulas abyineed
- Integral, definite: Abyineed huban
- Integral indefinite: Abyineed aan hubnayn
- Integration: Abyin
- Integration by parts: Abyin jeexeed
- Intercept: Tikraar
- Interest: Ribo
- Interest, rate of: Dhakhsiyaha ribo
- Interior angle of polygon: Xagal gudeed geesoole
- Interior angles, alternate: Xagal gudeedyo talantaalli ah
- Interpolation: Dhexbeegid
- Intersect: Isgoys
- Intersection of two curves: Isgoyska laba xood
- Intersection of two sets: Dhextaal laba urur
- Interval: Gaalis
- Interval, close: Gaalis xidhan
- Interval, half-open: Gaalis badh-furan
- Introduction: Hordhac
- Inverse: Waydaar
- Inverse element: Waydaarka kutirsane
- Inverse of an implication: Waydaarka daminaad
- Inverse logarithm: Weydaarka logardam
- Inverse of matrix: Waydaarka taxane
- Inverse of a number: Weydaar tiro
- Inversely proportional: Saamigal waydaar
- Investment: Maalgelin
- Isomorphism: Aysoomarfiisam
- Isosceles: Labaale
- Isosceles trapezoid: Xoor labaale ah
- Isosceles triangle: Saddex-xagal labaale ah