Erayada ka bilowda xarafka P ee Xisaabta
- Page: Bog
- Pair: Lammaane
- Pair ordered: Lammaane horsan
- Parabola: Labosaab
- Parabolic: Labosaableey
- Paraboloid: Labasaab-eke
- Paradox: Iska hor imaad
- Parallel: Barbarro
- Parallel lines: Xarriiqyo barbarro ah
- Parallel planes: Sallaxyo barbarro ah
- Parallelogram: Barbaroole
- Parallel piped: Adke lix salxaale ah
- Parallels of latitude: Barbarada loolalka
- Parameter: Baarimitir
- Parametric equations: Isle’egyo baaramitirs
- Parenthesis: Qawsas/Bilo
- Partition: Qurubayn/ Qaybin
- Pattern: Ratibaad
- Pentagon: Shangeesle
- Percent: Boqolkiiba
- Percentage: Boqollay
- Perfect: Dhan/ Taam
- Perfect cube: Saddex jibbaar dhan (taam ah)
- Perfect square: Labajibbaar dhan (taam ah)
- Perimeter: Meeris
- Period of function: Kal fansaar
- Period of interest: Kal ribo
- Period of simple harmonic motion: Kal wahsasho
- Periodic: Kalgal
- Periodicity: Kalgalnimo
- Permutation: Racayn
- Perpendicular: Qotome
- Perpendicular lines: Xarriiqyo qotoma
- Perpendicular to a plane: Ku qotome sallax
- Perpendicular planes: Sallaxyo qotoma
- Plane: Sallax
- Plane, complex: Sallax murakab ah
- Plane curve: Kood sallax
- Plane figure: Kood sallax
- Plane geometry: Joometeri sallax
- Plot: Dhig/ Sawir
- Plot a point: Bar dhig/ Bar sawir
- Plotting a curve: Sawir xood
- Point: Bar
- Point of contact: Bar taabasho
- Point, decimal: Bar tobanle
- Point of inflexion: Bar rogaal
- Points, collinear: Baro isku toosan
- Polar: Cidhifeed
- Polar coordinates in the plane: Kulanno cidhifeed sallax
- Polar coordinates in space: Kulanno cidhifeed dululaati
- Polar equation: Isle’eg cidhifeed
- Polar form of a complex number: Qaab cidhifeed tiro murakab ah
- Polygon: Geesoole
- Polygon, convex: Geesoole tuurre
- Polygon, diagonal of a: Xaglagooye geesoole
- Polygon, equiangular: Geesoole xaglo’ege
- Polygon, equilateral: Geesoole dhinacyo le’ege
- Polygon, frequency: Geesoole rakaad
- Polygons, similar: Geesoolayaal isu’eg
- Polyhedron: Salxaale
- Polyhedron, concave: Salxaale golxaale
- Polyhedron, convex: Salxaale tuurre
- Polyhedron, regular: Salxaale hubsan
- Polyhedron, simple: Salxaale fudud
- Polynomial: Tibxaale
- Polynomial, degree of a: Darajada tibxaale
- Polynomial equation: Isle’eg tibxaale
- Positive: Togan
- Positive number: Tiro togan
- Positive sign: Calaamad togan
- Postulate: Dhardhaar
- Postulate, the parallel: Dhardhaar la barbar ah
- Power: Jibbaar
- Power of a number: Jibbaar tiro
- Precision: Dhag ah
- Price: Sicir
- Price, cost: Sicir iibsasho
- Price, selling: Sicir gadid
- Prime factor: Isir mutaxane
- Prime number: Tiro mutaxan
- Prime polynomial: Tibxaale mutaxan
- Principal: Raasamaal
- Principal diagonal: Xaglagooye muhiim
- Principle: Xeer/ Mabda’
- Prism: Birisam
- Probability: Itimaal
- Probability function: Fansaar itimaal
- Probability theory: Aragti itimaal
- Problem: Mas’alo
- Problem solving method: Dariiqada xallilidda mas’alo
- Procedure: Dariiqo
- Produce of a line (to): Fidi xarriiq (illaa)
- Product: Taran
- Product, Cartesian: Taranka Kaartis
- Product, cross: Taran talantaalli
- Product, dot: Taran bar
- Product, inner: Taran dhexe
- Product of matrices: Taran taxaneyaal
- Product, scalar: Taran foolwaa
- Product, vector: Taran leeb
- Program: Barnaamij
- Progression: Susun
- Progression, arithmetic: Susun arimaatig
- Progression, geometric: Susus joomateri
- Profit: Macaash
- Projectile, path of: Marin gantaal
- Projectiles: Gantaallo
- Projection: Isqaad
- Projective geometry: Joometeri isqaad
- Proof: Caddayn
- Proper fraction: Jajab qumman
- Proportion: Saami
- Proportion, extremes of: Darifyada saami
- Proportion, means of: Saami xidhiidhsan
- Proportional quantities: Xaddiyo saamigal ah
- Proportional quantities, directly: Xaddiyo saamigal toos ah
- Proportional quantities, inversely: Xaddiyo saamigal iswaydaar ah
- Proposition: Hawraar
- Protractor: Xaglo beege
- Pure mathematics: Xisaab saafan
- Pyramid: Ahraam
- Pyramid, frustum of a: Gumbur dhimman
- Pythagorean numbers: Tirooyinka Baysogras
- Pythagorean theorem: Aragtiinka Baysogras