Erayada ka bilowda xarafka R ee Xisaabta
- Radian: Gacansin
- Radical: Asto xidid tiro
- Radicand: Xidid tiro
- Radius: Gacan
- Radius of a circle: Gacan goobo
- Radius of curvature: Gacan xoodnaan
- Radius of a regular polygon, long: Gacan dheere geesoole
- Random sample: Muunad xulasho la’
- Random variable: Doorsoome xulasho la’
- Range: Danbeed, faraq
- Rank: Darajo
- Rank of a matrix: Darajada taxane
- Rate: Dhakhso
- Rate of change of a function at a point: Dhakhsaha is beddelka fansaar ee bareed
- Rate of interest: Dhakhsiyaha ribo
- Ratio: Saami
- Ratio, harmonic: Saami tawaafuqi
- Ratio, inverse: Saami isweydaar
- Rational: Lakab
- Rational expression: Tibix lakab
- Rational function: Fansaar lakab
- Rationalisation: Lakabayn
- Rationalize: Lakabee
- Real: Maangal
- Real axis: Dhidib maangal ah
- Real number: Tiro maangal ah
- Reciprocal: Rogaal
- Reciprocal curve: Xood rogaal
- Reciprocal equation: Isle’eg rogaal
- Reciprocal of a matrix: Rogaal taxane
- Rectangle: Laydi
- Rectangular: Laydisan
- Rectangular axis: Dhidib laydisan
- Recurring decimal: Jajab tobanle noqnoqda
- Reduction: Fududayn/Yarayn
- Redundant: Dheeraad
- Re-entrant figure: Xagal gudeed daacsan
- Reference angles: Xaglo tixraac
- Reflection: Noqod
- Reflection of a line: Noqod xarriiq toosan
- Reflection of an origin: Noqod xuddun
- Reflection in a plane: Noqod sallax
- Reflex angle: Xagal daacsan
- Reflex relation: Xidhiidh noqod ah
- Regular polygon: Geesoole qaabsan
- Relation: Xiriir
- Relation, transitive: Xiriir gudbo
- Relative, frequency: Rekaad u eegid
- Relative maximum: U weyne u eegid
- Reliability: Sugnaanta
- Remainder: Hadhaa/Baaqi
- Remainder theorem: Aragtiin hadhaa (baaqi)
- Resultant: Helaad
- Revolution: Wareeg
- Revolution, axis of: Dhidib wareeg
- Rhombus: Qardhaas
- Right: Qumman
- Right angle: Xagal qumman
- Right triangle: Saddex xagal qumman
- Ring: Giraan
- Root: Xidid
- Root, nth: Xidid naad
- Roots of an equation: Xididdo isle’egeed
- Root, square: Xidid labajibbaar
- Rounding off: Duubid
- Rounding off numbers: Tirooyin duubid
- Routine: Rootiin
- Row: Dhinactax
- Rule: Qaanuun