Xisaab -S-

Erayada ka bilowda xarafka S ee Xisaabta

  • Sample: Muunad
  • Sample, random: Muunad xulasho la’
  • Satisfy: Raalligalin
  • Scaler: Foolwaa
  • Scaler product: Taran foolwaa
  • Scaler quantity: Xaddi foolwaa
  • Scale: Iskeel
  • Scale, drawing to: Ku sawiran iskeel
  • Scalene: Isma le’eke
  • Score: Dhibco
  • Secant: Siikant
  • Section: Qayb
  • Section, conic: Jeeb toobineed
  • Sector of a circle: Qayb goobo
  • Sector, spherical: Qayb kubbadeed
  • Segment: Qoqob
  • Segment of a circle: Qoqob goobo
  • Segment of a curve: Qoqod xood
  • Segment, line: Xarriijin
  • Selling price: Sicir gadid
  • Semi-annual: Sannad badh/Nus sannad
  • Semicircle: Goobo badh/Nus goobo
  • Sentence: Weedh
  • Sentence, open: Weedh furan
  • Sequence: Susan
  • Sequence, bounds of: Soohdimaha susun
  • Sequence, bounded from above: Susun sare ka soohdimaysan
  • Sequence, bounded from below: Susun hoos ka soohdimaysan
  • Sequence, greatest lower bound of a: Soohdin hoosaadka u wayn ee susun
  • Sequence, least upper bound of a: Soohdin saraadka u yar ee susun
  • Sequence, lower bound of a: Soohdin hoosaadka susun
  • Sequence, upper bound of a: Soohdin saraadka susun
  • Sequence, limit of a: Xad susun
  • Series: Dareerin
  • Series, alternating: Dareerin talantaalli ah
  • Series, binomial: Dareerin labotibix
  • Series, factorial: Dareerin abnaq
  • Series, geometric: Dareerin joomateri
  • Series, harmonic: Dareerin tawaafuqi
  • Series, Taylor’s: Dareerinta Taylar
  • Set: Urur
  • Set, complementary of a: Urur duleed
  • Set, empty: Urur madhan
  • Set, universal: Urur guud
  • Sets, disjoint: Ururro dhextaal ah
  • Sets, intersection of: Dhextaalka ururro
  • Sets, union of: Isutagga ururro
  • Side: Dhinac
  • Side of an angle: Dhinac xagal
  • Side opposite to an angle: Dhinaca ka soo horjeeda xagal
  • Side of a polygon: Dhinac geesoole
  • Sides of an equation: Dhinacyada isle’egeed
  • Sigma: Sigma
  • Sign: Calaamad
  • Similar: Isu eg
  • Similar figures: Shaxanno isu eg
  • Similar fractions: Jajabyo isu eg
  • Similar terms: Tibxo isu eg
  • Similar triangles: Saddex xagallo isu eg
  • Similarity: Ekaansho
  • Simple harmonic motion: Walhasho
  • Simplification: Fududayn
  • Simplified: Fududaysan
  • Simultaneous equations: Isle’egyo wadajira
  • Simultaneous inequalities: Isma le’egyo wadajira
  • Sine: Sayn
  • Sines, law of: Xeerka sayn-yada
  • Sine curve: Xood sayn
  • Sine of a curve: Sayn tiro
  • Sine of an angle: Sayn xagal
  • Slope: Tiiro
  • Slope of a curve at a point: Tiiro xood ee bar
  • Slope of a straight line: Tiiro xarriiq toosan
  • Smooth curve: Xood sima
  • Solid: Adke
  • Solid angle: Xalad adke
  • Solid geometry: Joomateri adke
  • Solid of a revolution: Wareeg adke
  • Solids, similar: Adkayaal isu eg
  • Solution: Furfuris
  • Space: Dululaati
  • Space, sample: Muunad dululaati
  • Sphere, cord of a: Boqon kubbadeed
  • Sphere, equation of a: Isle’eg kubbadeed
  • Sphere secant of a: Siikanti kubbad
  • Spherical: Kubbadeed
  • Spherical angle: Xagal kubbadeed
  • Spherical coordinates: Kulanno kubbadeed
  • Spherical surface: Dul kubbadeed
  • Spiral: Gariirad
  • Square: Labajibbaar
  • Square matrix: Taxane labajibbaarane
  • Square numbers: Tirooyin labajibbaar
  • Square root: Xidid labajibbaar
  • Squares, different of two: Labajibbaar faraq laba tiro
  • Squares, magic: Labajibbaaraneyaasha sixirka
  • Squares, method of least: Dariiqad, labajibbaarayaasha ee ugu yar
  • Standard: Beegal
  • Standard deviation: Leexsanaan beegal ah
  • Straight: Toosan
  • Straight angle: Xagal toosan
  • Straight line: Xarriiq toosan
  • Structure, mathematical: Dhis xisaabeed
  • Subgroup: Koox hoosaad
  • Subset: Hormo urur
  • Subtend: Laal
  • Subtraction: Kalagoyn
  • Successive: Isdabajoog
  • Successive trails: Isku-dayaal isdabajooga
  • Sufficient: Filan
  • Sufficient condition: Xaalad kaafi ah
  • Sum: Wadar
  • Sum, algebraic: Wadar aljabreed
  • Sum, limit of a: Xadka wadar
  • Sum of vectors: Wadar leebab
  • Summation: Wadarayn
  • Summation sign: Calaamad wadarayn
  • Supplementary angles: Xaglo istoosiya
  • Surd, binomial: Seed labatibxaale
  • Surd, trinomial: Seed saddextibxaale
  • Surd index: Muujiyo seed
  • Surds, conjugate binomials: Xisdiga labatibxaale seed
  • Surface: Dul
  • Surface, curved: Dul xoodan
  • Surface, cylindrical: Dul dhululubaysan
  • Surface, plane: Dul sallax
  • Surface, spherical: Dul kubbadaysan
  • Surface of revolution: Dul wareeg
  • Surjection: Fansaar hagooge
  • Symbol: Summad
  • Symbols, algebraic: Summadaha aljebreed
  • Symmetry: Wanqar
  • Symmetry, axial: Wanqar dibadeed
  • Synthetic division: Qaybsoon
  • System: Habdhis
  • System, coordinate: Habdhis kulan
  • System, decimal: Habdhis tobanle
  • System, mathematical: Habdhis xisaabeed
  • System, number: Habdhis tiro

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