Erayada ka bilowda xarafka S

Noolekasmo / Caafimaad


  • Salamander: Salamandar*
  • Saliva: Candhuuf
  • Salivary gland: Qanjidh candhuuf
  • Sampse: Muunad
  • Sap: Dheecaan
  • Saprophyte: Bakhti ku bexe
  • Sapwood: Qori dheecaan
  • Savanna: Safaana
  • Scale: Jidhif
  • Scapule: Garab
  • Scar: Nabar
  • Scavenger: Bakhti cune
  • Schistosomiasis: Dhiigfaraqlow
  • Sclerenchyma: Nudqallafle
  • Sea cucumber: Qajaar badeed
  • Secondary wall : Gidaar dambeed
  • Secretion: Dhiiqis
  • Seed: Iniin
  • Seed coat: Dahaadh iniin
  • Seedling: Geed naqan
  • Seed plant: Geed iniinyaale
  • Seed stalk: Samay iniin
  • Segmen: Maraar
  • Segmentation: Maraarayn
  • Segmentation cavity: Moqor maraarayn
  • Segregation: Takoorid
  • Selection: Xul
  • Self–differentiation: Iska soocid
  • Self-fertilization: Iisbacriminayn
  • Self-pollination : Isfaxlid
  • Semen: Mani
  • Seminal duct: Marin maniyeed
  • Seminiferous tubule: Dhuumoyaro xaweed
  • Semipermeable: Nus-habe
  • Senescence: Da’nimo
  • Sensation: Dareemid
  • Sense: Dareen
  • Sensibility: Dareemitaan
  • Sensitivity: Dareenimo
  • Sensory: Dareeme
  • Sensory neuron: Dareeme unug dareenwade
  • Sepal: Malaace
  • Septum: Qoqobe
  • Serum: Muud
  • Sessile: Samayla
  • Sex: Jinsi
  • Sex cell: Unug jinsi
  • Sex chromatin: midabriino jinsi
  • Sex chromosome: Midaboogo jinsi
  • Sex determination: Go’aansi jinsi
  • Sex differentiation: Kalasoocnaan jinsi
  • Sex organs: Xubno jinsi
  • Sex transformation: Beddelaad jinsi
  • Sexual: Jinsiyeed
  • Sexual generation: Da’ jinsi, fac jinsi
  • Sexual reproduction: Taran jinsi
  • Sexual selection : Xul jinsi
  • Sheeth: Kiish
  • Shoot: Toog
  • Shoot system: Habdhis toogeed
  • Shoulder joint: Kalagoys garab
  • Shrub: Geed hoosaad
  • Sieve cell: Unug shaandho
  • Sieve tube: Dhuun shaandho
  • Sinus: Moqor
  • Sinus venosus: Daleel aroor
  • Siphon: Tuubo
  • Skeletal muscles: Muruqyo qalfoof
  • Skeletal system: Habdhis qalfoof
  • Skeleton: Qalfoof
  • Skin: Maqaar
  • Skull: Lafo madax
  • Smell: Urin
  • Smooth: Siisib
  • Smooth muscle: Muruq sisiban
  • Snaill: Xaaxeeyo
  • Soil: Carro
  • Soluble: Milme
  • Solution: Milan
  • Solvent: Mile
  • Somatic cell :Unug jidheed
  • Somite: Jidheed
  • Sour: Dhanaan
  • Space biology: Nololbarowga Hawadasare
  • Speciation: Sinjiyeyn
  • Species: Sinji
  • Sperm: Xawo
  • Spermatocyte: Unug xawo
  • Spermatogenesis: Koridda xawada
  • Spermatophyte: Iniiney
  • Spermatoziod: Isbeermatosaydh*
  • Spermatozoa: Isbeermatosuwa*
  • Sperm cell: Unug xawo
  • Spermiation: Xawokeen
  • Sperm nucleus: Bu’xawo
  • Spinal cord: Xangulo
  • Spinal nerve: Dareenwade Xangullo
  • Spleen: Beeryaro
  • Sponge: Cushilo
  • Sponge bone: Laf ruug
  • Sponge parenchyma: Gidaaryaro Lafruug
  • Spontaneous generation: Iskiitaran
  • Sporangium: Boodhside
  • Spore: Boodh
  • Spore mother cell: Unug dambeed
  • Sporophyte: Isborofayt*
  • Stalk: Samay
  • Stamen: Faxalside
  • Staminate: Ubax lab
  • Starch: Awdhirre
  • Starch sheeth: Gal Awdhirre
  • Starvation: Macaluul
  • Stem: Jirid
  • Stem cell: Unug Jirideed
  • Sterile: Ma dhalays
  • Sterility: Ma dhalaysnimo
  • Sternum: Kalxan
  • Stigma: Sibiisha ubax Fur Ubo
  • Stimulate: Dhiirrigelin
  • Stimulus: Dhiirigeshe
  • Stipule: Baarumo
  • Stomata: Dalool
  • Stomach: Calool
  • Stratum: lakab
  • Straited Muscle: Muruq miiqtalantaalle
  • Structure: Dhisme
  • Struggle for existence: Loolan jiritaan
  • Style: Dhuun ubo
  • Style sac: Kiish Dhuun ubo
  • Succession: Isdabajoog
  • Succulent: Baqashle
  • Sucker: Toobe
  • Sucrase: sunkoryiire
  • Sucrose: Sunkorceen
  • Sugar: sonkor
  • Summation of Stimuli: Iskugeyn caris
  • Superficial: Oogeed
  • Superficial Cleavage: Qaraar Oogeed
  • Supplement: Dheeraad
  • Supplemental : Dheeraad
  • Surface tension: Giigsanaan oogeed
  • Survival of the fittest: Sooduuge Kuhaboonaha
  • Susceptible: Nugul
  • Sweat: Dhidid
  • Sweat gland: Qanjidh dhidid
  • Symbiosis: Islanoolaansho
  • Symmetry: Wanqaran
  • Synovial Fluid: Dareere kalagoys
  • Synthesis: Samayn
  • System: Habdhis
  • Systole: Tuujis

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