Erayada ka bilowda xarafka F ee Xisaabta
- Face: Weji
- Factor: Isir
- Factor, common: Isir ay wadaagaan
- Factor, greatest common: Isir waynaha ay wadaagaan
- Factor, of a polynomial: Isir tibxaale
- Factor, prime: Isir mutaxan
- Factor of a term: Isir tibix
- Factor theorem: Aragtiin isir
- Factorable: Isirgal
- Factorial: Abnaq
- Factoring (Factorization): Abnaqid
- False: Been
- Family: Qoys
- Family of curves: Qoys xoodad ah
- Fibonacci number: Tirada fiibonaatshi
- Field: Badad
- Field, complete ordered: Badad horsanaan dhan
- Field, ordered: Badad horsan
- Figure: Shaxan
- Figure, geometric: Joometeri shaxan
- Figure, plane: Shaxan sallax
- Finite: Kooban
- Finite decimal fraction: Jajab tobanle kooban
- Finite outcomes: Natiijo kooban
- Finite series: Dareerin kooban
- Finite set: Urur kooban
- First derivative: Diirane koobaad
- Fixed point: Bar maguurto
- Flow chart: Kaarto howlraac
- Focal chords of a conic: Boqonno kulmiseed toobineed
- Focal radius of a conic: Gacan kulmiseed toobineed
- Focus of a conic: Kulmis toobineed
- Foot: Fuudh/cag
- Form: Sansaan
- Form, standard: Sansaan beegal ah
- Fraction, common: Jajab caadi ah
- Fraction, decimal: Jajab tobanle
- Frame: Idaar
- Frame of reference: Idaar tilmaameed
- Frequency, cumulative: Rakaad isbiirsada
- Frequency distribution: Kala dhigid rakaad
- Frequency polygon: Geesoole rakaad
- Function: Fansaar
- Function, cumulative: Rakaad isbiirsada
- Function, constant: Fansaar madoorsoome
- Function, continuous: Fansaar is-haysta
- Function, decreasing: Fansaar dhimma
- Function, distribution: Fansaar kala dhigid
- Function, even: Fansaar dhaban
- Function, explicit: Fansaar qayaxan
- Function, exponential: Fansaar jibbaareed
- Function, identity: Fansaar asalmadoorshe
- Function, implicit: Fansaar dahsoon
- Function, increasing: Fansaar kordha
- Function, into (injection): Fansaar mahagooge
- Function, inverse: Fansaar waydaar
- Function, one-to-one (bijection): Fansaar mid-ka-mid
- Function, onto (surjection): Fansaar hagooge
- Function, periodic: Fansaar kalgal
- Function, zero: Fansaar eber
- Function, algebraic: Fansaar aljabreed
- Functions, composition of: Dhafid fansaaro
- Function, equality of: Isle’egaan fansaaro
- Function, trigonometric: Fansaarro tirignoometeri
- Fundamental operation of arithmetic: Xisaab fallada aasaasiga ah ee aritmatig
- Fundamental theorem of algebra: Aragtiin asaasiga algebra
- Fundamental theorem of integral calculus: Aragtiin aasaasiga kaalkulaska abyan