Erayada ka bilowda xarafka M ee Xisaabta
- Machine: Mishiin
- Magic squares: Labajibbaaraneyaasha sixirka
- Magnitude: Laxaad
- Major arc of (a circle): Qaanso weyn (goobo)
- Major arc of (an ellipse): Dhidib weyne (qabaal)
- Major segment of a circle: Qoqob weyne goobo
- Mantissa: Qurub
- Map: Khariirad
- Mapping: Aaddin
- Mark: Calaamad, amaarad
- Mark, class: Summad inneed
- Mathematical analysis: Saafid xisaabeed
- Mathematical check: Hubin xisaabeed
- Mathematical expectation: Filitaan xisaabeed
- Mathematical induction: Dheegid xisaabeed
- Mathematical logic: Mandiq xisaabeed
- Mathematical model: Moodeel xisaabeed
- Mathematics: Xisaab
- Mathematics, applied: Xisaabta adeegsiga (dabaqa)
- Mathematics of finance: Xisaab maaliyadeed
- Mathematics, pure: Xisaab saafi
- Matrix: Taxane
- Maximal element of a set: Kutirsane ugu danbeeyaha urur
- Maximum: Ugu weyn/ ugu sarreeya
- Maximum height: Joog ugu sarreeya
- Maximum value of a function: Qiimaha ugu wayn ee fansaar
- Maximum value of a function, relative: U eegidda qiimaha ugu weyn uu fansaar
- Mean: Tirosin, celcelin
- Mean deviation: Tirosin leexsanaan
- Measure: Qiyaas/Cabbir
- Measure, angular: Qiyaas xagleed
- Medium: Dhexfur (joometeri)/ Dhexeeye (tirokoob)
- Medium of a group measurements: Dhexeeyaha cabbirrada kooxeed
- Medium of a triangle: Dhexfur saddex-xagal
- Memory: Xasuus
- Midpoint: Bar-badhtameed
- Midpoint of a line segment: Bartamaha qoqob xarriiqeed
- Millimetre: Millimitir
- Million: Milyan
- Minimum: Ugu hooseeya/ Ugu yar
- Minor: Yar
- Minor arc of a circle: Qaanso yaro goobo
- Minor axis of an ellipse: Dhidib yare qabaal
- Minor circle: Goobo yar
- Minor of an element in a determinant: Yaraha ku tirsane ee suge
- Minus: Ka goo/ Ka jar
- Minute: Daqiiqad
- Mixed decimal: Tobanle dhafan
- Mixed number: Tiro dhafan
- Mode: Badi-dhece
- Modulus of a complex number: Qiimaha sugan ee tiro murakab ah
- Monomial: Tibxaale
- Multiple: Dhufsane
- Multiple, common: Dhufsane ay wadaagaan
- Multiple, least common: Dhufane yaraha ay wadaagaan
- Multiplicand: Lagu dhufte
- Multiplication: Isku dhufasho
- Multiplication, cross: Isku dhufasho talantaalli ah
- Multiplication, inner: Isku dhufasho dhexe
- Multiplication, scalar: Isku dhufasho foolwaa
- Multiplication table: Tuse isku dhufasho
- Multiplicative identity: Asal madoorshaha isku dhufashada
- Multiplicative inverse: Rogaalka isku dhufashada