Xisaab -N-

Erayada ka bilowda xarafka N ee Xisaabta

  • Naiperian Logarithm: Logardamka Nabiir
  • Natural Logarithm: Logardam Caadi ah
  • Natural Numbers: Tirsiimo
  • Nautical mile: Mayl badeed
  • Necessary condition: Xaalad/Shuruud lagamamaarmaan
  • Negate: Diidid
  • Negation: Diidmo
  • Negation of proportion: Diidmo howraareed
  • Negative: Taban
  • Negative angle: Xagal taban
  • Negative direction: Jiho taban
  • Negative sign: Calaamad taban
  • Neighbourhood: Derisnimo
  • Net: Saafi
  • Normal: Ligane
  • Normal line to a plane: Xarriiq ku ligan sallax
  • Normal to a curve at a point: Ku ligane bar xoodeed
  • Notation, scientific: Qormo saynis
  • Null set: Urur madhan
  • Number: Tiro
  • Number, absolute: Tiro sugan
  • Number, abundant: Tiro hodan ah
  • Number, defective (deficient): Tiro dhimman
  • Number line: Xarriiq tiro
  • Number, perfect: Tiro buuxda
  • Number, theory: Aragti tiro
  • Numbers, irrational: Tirooyin lakab la’
  • Numbers, rational: Tirooyin lakab
  • Numbers, real: Tirooyin maangal ah
  • Numbers, triangular: Tirooyin saddex xagal
  • Numerals: Asto-tiro
  • Numeration: Tirayn
  • Numerator: Hooseeye
  • Numerical analysis: Saafid tireed
  • Numerical coefficient: Weheliye tireed

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