Walax-ogaalka -U,V iyo W-

Erayada ka bilowda xarafka U, V and W ee Walax-ogaalka (physics)

  • Ultrasonic wave: Hirka Altarasoonik
  • Ultraviolet radiation: Kaaha Altarafaylat
  • Umbra: Bu’lida
  • Unbalanced: Dheelisan
  • Uncertainty principle: Xeerka Hubidda
  • Uniformity: Ismadoorshe
  • Unit Cell: Unug
  • Units: Halbeegyo
  • Universal: Caan
  • Vacuum: Madhan
  • Vacuum Flask: Darmuus madhan
  • Vacuum pump: Bambo madhan
  • Valency: Kaaftoomid
  • Value: Qiime
  • Van Allen belts: Liidadka Faan Alan
  • Van Der Waals forces: Xoogagga Faan Dar Waal
  • Van De Graaff generator: Dhaliye Faan Di Garaaf
  • Vapour: Uumi
  • Vapour density: Cufnaan uumi
  • Vapour pressure: Cadaadis uumi
  • Vector: Leeb
  • Vector field: Badad-leeb
  • Vector potential: Kaydfaraq leeb
  • Vector product: Taran leeb
  • Velocity: Kaynaan
  • Vernier Scale: Mastaradda Feerniyeer
  • Vertical: Sarajoog
  • Vibration: Gariir
  • Vibrational energy: Tamar-gariir
  • Virtual image: Hummaag beeneed
  • Viscosity: Isjiidasho/is-haysasho
  • Viscosity, coefficient of: Weheliyaha isjiidashada
  • Visibility: Muuq
  • Vision: Arag
  • Volt: Foolt
  • Voltage: Kaydfaraq
  • Volta pile: Joogtaxa foolta
  • Voltaic cell: Unugga Foolta
  • Voltmeter: Fooltbeeg
  • Volume: Mug
  • Volcano: Foolkaano
  • Valve: Haniye/Hani
  • Watch: Goorsheeg/Saacad
  • Watch, stop: Dhaqaaq-joogsato
  • Water equivalent: U-dhigan biyood
  • Water of crystallization: Wiriqeed
  • Watt: Waat (halbeeg)
  • Wave: Hir
  • Wave analysis: Hir-tuse
  • Wave energy: Tamar-hireed
  • Wave equation: Isle’eg-hireed
  • Wave filter: Hir-miire
  • Wave form: Qaab hireed
  • Wave front: Horhireed
  • Wave function: Fansaar hireed
  • Waveguide: Tuunbo-hireed
  • Wave intensity: Itaal hireed
  • Weak interaction: Hirdi fudud
  • Weather: Hawo/Cimilo-gooreed
  • Weather forecasting: Saadaal hawo/Faal hawo
  • Weather map: Jaantus hawo/khariirad hawo
  • Weight: Culays
  • Welding: Laxaamad
  • Wheatstone bridge: Shaxda Wiristoon
  • Wind: Dabayl
  • Wing: Baal/baad
  • Work: Hawl
  • Work function: Fansaar hawleed
  • World: Adduunyo

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