Erayada ka bilowda xarafka I-

Noolekasmo / Caafimaad


  • Identical twins : Mataano mid ah
  • Ilius: Liiyam
  • Imbibitions: Nuugid
  • Image: Sawir / Dhabaag
  • Image formation: Dhabaag sameysan
  • Immunity: Kabax, kasaliim
  • Impermeable: Mahabe
  • Impulse: Gujo
  • Inbreeding: Taran xigaal
  • Incisor: Fool
  • Incomplete: Dhiman
  • Incomplete dominance : Shiiqle dhiman
  • Incomplete metamorphose: Dubrogasho dhiman
  • Incubation period: Kalhuuris
  • Incus: Laf dhexaad dhagood
  • Indehiscent: Madhambacmo
  • Indehiscent assortment: Isdoorasho
  • Indigenous: Baraadi ku noole
  • Infant: Dhallaan
  • Infection: Hambaabuq
  • Inferior: Hoose
  • Infertile: Gudhan , madhale
  • Inflammation: Cun cun , olol
  • Inflorescence: Rakibaad ubaxeed
  • Inhale: Neef qaadasho
  • Inheritance of acquired Characters : Dhaxlida astaamaha
  • Inhibition: Joogsasho
  • Inhibitor: Joojiye
  • Initials: Bilaw
  • Inject: Kudhiijin, Ku Duris
  • Injection: Dhiijin, Duris
  • Inorganic: Xubinlaawe
  • Insect: Cayayaan
  • Insect pollination : Faxlid cayayaan
  • Insecticide: Cayayaandile
  • Insectary : Gaagur, hoy cayayaan
  • Insectivore: Cayayaan quute
  • Insoluble: Mamilme
  • Inspiration: Neef qaadasho
  • Instinct: Qariisad
  • Insulin: Biyogooreedshe
  • Integument: Lakab ugxaneed
  • Intercellular: Uud unugeed
  • Intercellular space: Dulaalaati unug
  • Internal: Gudeed
  • Internal environment: Deegan gudeed
  • Internode: Xubin, luun
  • Interphase: Waji nasasho
  • Interstitial cells: Uud nudo
  • Interstitial fluid: Hoore uudnudeed
  • Intestinal glands: Qanjidho mindhicireed
  • Intestine: Mindhicir
  • Intoxication: Sumayn
  • Intracellular: Gudo unug
  • Intramembranous: Gudo xuub
  • Intraventricular septum: Qoqobe Dhexhaameed / Dhexcoloolyareed
  • Invaginstion: Hud , diiqnaan
  • Inverstion: Isweydaarin
  • Invertebrate: Fal dhabar la’
  • Involuntary: Iraada la’aan
  • Iodine: Badbeyo
  • Iris: Quruxa / ilqurux
  • Irregular flowers: Ubax aan sinayn
  • Irritability: Carin,dhidhin
  • Isogamous: Cees miageed
  • Isolation: karantiil , doc’usaarid
  • Isotonic: Cadaadle isku mid ah
  • isotope: Iskugod

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