Xisaab -A-

Erayada ka bilowda xarafka A ee Xisaabta

  • Abacus: Abakas
  • Abbreviation: Soo gaabin
  • Abscissa: Absiisa
  • Absolute value of a complex number: Qiimaha sugan ee tiro murakab ah
  • Absolute value of a real number: Qiimaha sugan ee tiro maangal ah
  • Absolute value of a vector: Qiimaha sugan ee leeb
  • Absorptive laws: Xeerar isnuug
  • Abundant number: Tiro hodan ah
  • Accurate: Sax
  • Acre: Eykar
  • Acute angle: Xagal fiiqan
  • Acute-angled triangle: Saddex-xagal fiiqan
  • Add: U gee
  • Addend: Loo geeye
  • Addition: Isugeyn
  • Additive identity: Asal ma doorshaha isugaynta
  • Additive inverse: Iswaydaarka isugaynta
  • Adjacent angles: Xaglo daris ah
  • Algebra: Aljebra
  • Algebra, Boolean: Aljebrada Bool
  • Algebraic operation: Xisaabfallo aljabreed
  • Algebraic sum: Wadar aljabreed
  • Algebraic symbols: Astaamo aljabreed
  • Algebraic term: Tibix aljabreed
  • Algorithm: Algoordam
  • Algorithm, Euclidean: Algoordamka Yuklid
  • Alternative angles: Xaglo talantaalli ah
  • Altitude: Joog
  • A.M. (Ante Meridiem): G.H. (Galin Hore)
  • Ambiguous case: Xaaladda murugsan
  • Amount: Hanti/Jumlad
  • Amplitude (argument) of a complex number: Sicado tiro murakhab ah
  • Amplitude of a function: Sicado fansaar
  • Analysis: Saafid
  • Analytic geometry: Joometari saafan
  • And: Iyo
  • Angle: Xagal
  • Angle, acute: Xagal fiiqan
  • Angle, arms of an: Gacmo xagleed
  • Angle at centre: Xagal xuddumeed
  • Angle at circumference: Xagal meeris
  • Angle bisection: Kala badhid xagleed
  • Angle, Dihedral: Xagal sallax kulan
  • Angle of depression: Xagal dhacsan
  • Angle of elevation: Xagal kacsan
  • Angle of inclination of a line: Xagal janjeerka xarriiq
  • Angle, negative: Xagal taban
  • Angle, obtuse: Xagal furan
  • Angle, polar: Xagal geftineed
  • Angle, positive: Xagal togan
  • Angle, reflex: Xagal daacsan
  • Angle, right: Xagal qumman
  • Angle, straight: Xagal toosan
  • Angle subtended by a line: Xagal xariiq jeeddo
  • Angle subtended by an arch of a circle: Xagal qaanso-goobeed jeeddo
  • Angle, vertex of an: Gees xagleed
  • Angles, adjacent: Xaglo daris ah
  • Angles, alternate: Xaglo talantaalli ah
  • Angles, complementary: Xaglo isqummiye
  • Angles, conjugate: Xaglo xisdi ah
  • Angles, corresponding: Xaglo gudboon
  • Angles, coterminal: Xaglo dhammaad wadaag ah
  • Angles, supplementary: Xaglo istoosiya
  • Angles, vertically opposite: Xaglo foodsaar ah
  • Annual: Sannadkii
  • Annulus: Fargal
  • Answer: Jawaab
  • Antecedent: Muqaddam
  • Ante-meridiem (A.M): Galin Hore (G.H)
  • Anti-clockwise (counterclockwise): Lid saacadwareeg
  • Antiderivative: Lid diirane
  • Antilogarithm: Lid Loogardam
  • Apex: Fig
  • Applied mathematics: Xisaab dabbaqaad
  • Approach: Siqid
  • Approach a limit, to: Siqid xad
  • Approximately: Seeb ahaan
  • Approximation: Seebid
  • Arabic numerals: Astirooyin carbeed
  • Arbitrary: Iqtiyaari
  • Arbitrary assumption: Qaadasho iqtiyaari ah
  • Arbitrary constant: Madoorsoome iqtitaari
  • Arbitrary units: Halbeegyo iqtiyaari ah
  • Arc: Qaanso
  • Arc of a circle: Qaanso goobo
  • Arc of a circle, major: Qaanso weyn goobo
  • Arc of a circle, minor: Qaanso yar goobo
  • Arc of a curve: Qaanso xood
  • Area: Bed
  • Argand diagram: Jaantuska Aargand
  • Argument: Dood
  • Argument of complex number: Sicado tiro murakab ah
  • Arithmetic: Aritmatig
  • Arithmetic mean: Tirasin aritmatig
  • Arithmetic progression: Susan aritmatig
  • Arm(s): Gacan (Gacmo)
  • Arms of a angle: Gacmo xagleed
  • Arranging terms: Ratibaad tibxo
  • Array: Teed
  • Arrow: Fallaar
  • Arrow Graph: Garaaf fallaareed
  • Arrow gram: Garaaf fallaareed
  • Arrow line: Xarriiq fallaareed
  • Ascending order: Horsanaan fanata
  • Assents: Hanti
  • Associative: Hormogal
  • Associative law (property): Xeerka hormogal
  • Associativity: Hormogalnimo
  • Assumption: Qaadasho
  • Assumption, fundamental: Qaadasho aasaasi ah
  • Asteroid: Xideke
  • Asymmetry: Wanqar la’aan
  • Asymptote: Laace
  • Attributes: Sifooyin
  • Average: Celcelis
  • Average, geometric: Celcelis Joometeri
  • Average, harmonic: Celcelis tawaafuqi
  • Axiom, coordinate: Dhidibyo kulan
  • Axis, polar: Dhidib geftineed
  • Axis of revolution: Dhidib wareeg
  • Axis of symmetry: Dhidib wanqar

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