Xisaab -B-

Erayada ka bilowda xarafka B ee Xisaabta

  • Balance: Miisan
  • Bar graph: Garaaf jiitimeed
  • Base: Sal
  • Base of cone: Sal toobin
  • Base of logarithm: Sal loogardam
  • Base of power: Sal jibbaar
  • Base of a system of numbers: Sal habdhis tirooyin
  • Bearing: Fool
  • Bearing of a line: Fool xarriiqeed
  • Between: U dhaxaysa/dhexeeya
  • Betweenness: Dhexayn
  • Bias (Biased): Dhameex (Dhameex ah)
  • Biconditional: Laboshardiile
  • Bijection: Midmid
  • Bijection mapping: Aaddin midmid ah
  • Billion: Bilyan
  • Binary: Labaale
  • Binary number system: Habdhis tiro labaale
  • Binary operation: Xisaabfal labaale
  • Binomial: Labatibix
  • Binomial coefficients: Weheliye labatibix
  • Binomial distribution: Kala dhigid labatibix
  • Binomial equation: Isle’eg labatibix
  • Binomial expansion: Fidinta labatibix
  • Binomial formula: Jid labatibix
  • Binomial series: Dareerin labatibix
  • Bisect: Kala badh
  • Bisector of an angle: Kala badhe xagleed
  • Bisector, perpendicular: Qotome badhe
  • Block diagram: Garaaf badeed
  • Boolean algebra: Aljebrada Boolen
  • Bound: Soohdin
  • Bound, greatest lower: Soohdin hoosaadka ugu weyn
  • Bound, least upper: Soohdin saraadka ugu yar
  • Bound, lower: Soohdin hoose
  • Bound, upper: Soohdin sare
  • Boundary: Soohdin
  • Bounded: Soohdimaysan
  • Bounded from above: Sare ka soohdimaysan
  • Bounded from below: Hoos ka soohdimaysan
  • Braces: Tidicyo
  • Brackets: Sakallo
  • Branch: Laan
  • Breadth (Width): Ballac
  • Broken line: Xarriiq googo’an

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