Xisaab -C-

Erayada ka bilowda xarafka C ee Xisaabta

  • Calculate: Xisaabi
  • Calculating machine: Makiinad xisaabeed
  • Calculation: Xisaabin
  • Calculator: Xisaabiso
  • Calculus: Kaalkulas
  • Calculus, differential: Kaalkulas xigsineed
  • Calculus integral: Kaalkulas abyineed
  • Calendar: Goorqayb/Goorbeeg
  • Cancel: Isujar
  • Cancellation property (Law): Xeerka isujaridda
  • Capacity: Qaad
  • Capital: Raasamaal
  • Card: Bidaaqad
  • Cardinal number: Tiro qiime
  • Cardioid: Wadaneeke
  • Carry: Qaadid
  • Cartesian axes: Dhidibyada kaartis
  • Cartesian coordinates: Kulannada Kaartis
  • Cartesian product: Taranta Kaartis
  • Casting out nines: Sagaal xoorid
  • Cent: Senti
  • Centre: Xuddun
  • Centre of a circle: Xuddun goobo
  • Centre of a curvature: Xuddun xoodnaan
  • Centre of a curve: Xuddun xood
  • Centre of an ellipse: Xuddun qabaal
  • Centre of a regular polygon: Xuddun geesoole qaabsan
  • Centre of a sphere: Xuddun kubbadeed
  • Centre of a symmetry: Xuddun wanqar
  • Centigram: Sentigaraam
  • Centilitre: Sentilitir
  • Centimetre: Sentimitir
  • Century: Qarni
  • Certain event: Waqdhac huban
  • Chain: Silsilad
  • Chain rule: Xeerka silsiladda
  • Chapter: Cutub
  • Characteristics: Abyane
  • Chart: Kaarto
  • Check: Hubi
  • Chord: Boqon
  • Circle: Goobo
  • Circle of latitude: Goobo lool
  • Circle of longitude: Goobo dhig
  • Circuit: Mareeg
  • Circular cylinder: Dhululubo goobo
  • Circular function: Fansaar goobo
  • Circular segment: Qoqob goobo
  • Circumcentre: Xuddun meere
  • Circumference: Meeris
  • Circumscribed circles: Goobooyin dulmeeran
  • Circumscribed figure: Shaxan dulmeeran
  • Class interval: Galaasineed
  • Class mark: Summad need
  • Classification: Kala soocid
  • Clockwise: Saacadwareeg
  • Closed curve: Xood oodan
  • Closure law: Xeerka oodnaanta
  • Code: Afgarad
  • Coefficient: Weheliye
  • Collinear: Baro isku toosan
  • Column: Joog-u-tax
  • Common denominator: Hooseeyaha ay wadaagaan
  • Common divisor: Qaybshaha ay wadaagaan
  • Common factor: Isir ay wadaagaan
  • Common fraction: Jajab caadi ah
  • Common logarithm: Loogardam caadi ah
  • Common multiple: Dhufsane ay wadaagaan
  • Common side: Dhinac ay wadaagaan
  • Common tangent: Taabte ay wadaagaan
  • Commutative law: Xeerka kala-hormarinta
  • Compare: Isgarabdhig
  • Comparison: Isgarabdhigid
  • Compass: Jiheeye
  • Compasses: Goobeeye
  • Complement of a set: Urur duleed
  • Complementary angles: Xaglo isqummiye
  • Complex fraction: Jajab murakab
  • Complex number: Tiro murakab
  • Complex unit: Halbeeg murakab
  • Complex variable: Doorsoome murakab
  • Component: Xubin
  • Composite function: Fansaar dhafan
  • Composite number: Tiro mutuxlaawe
  • Compound arc: Qaanso isbiirsad
  • Compound interest: Ribo isbiirisad
  • Compound number: Tiro isbiirisad
  • Compute: Xisaabi
  • Computer: Koombuyuutar
  • Concave: Golxo
  • Concave curve: Xood golxaale
  • Concave quadrilateral: Afargeesle golxaale
  • Concave surface: Dul golxan
  • Concentric circles: Goobooyin xuddun wadaag
  • Concept: Biyadhac
  • Conclusion: Go’aan
  • Concrete: Sulban
  • Concrete number: Tirooyin sulban
  • Concurrent lines: Xarriiqyo barwadaag ah
  • Conditional: Shardiile
  • Conditional probability: Itimaal shardiile
  • Conditional statement: Weedh shardiile
  • Cone: Toobin
  • Cone of revolution: Toobin wareeg
  • Congruence: Sargo’naan
  • Congruent figures: Shaxanno isu sargo’an
  • Congruent numbers: Tirooyin sargo’an
  • Conic: Toobineed
  • Conic sections: Jeebab toobineed
  • Conical: Toobinle
  • Conical surface: Dul toobinle ah
  • Conjugate of a complex number: Xisdiga tiro murakab ah
  • Conjugate of a surd: Xisdiga seedh
  • Conjunction: Isku xidhe
  • Connective: Dabar
  • Consecutive: Isku xiga
  • Consecutive even numbers: Tiro dhabanno isku xiga
  • Consecutive integers: Ebyoonayaal isku xiga
  • Consecutive odd numbers: Tiro kisiyo isku xiga
  • Consecutive prime numbers: Tiro mutaxanayaal isku xiga
  • Consequence: Natiijo
  • Consequent: Taali
  • Consider: Tixgelin
  • Consistent: Seegmawaydo
  • Constant: Ma doorsoome
  • Construct: Dhis
  • Construction: Dhismo
  • Continuous at a point: Iska-haysta bar
  • Continuous function: Fansaar is-haysta
  • Contradiction: Isburin
  • Contrapositive: Shareer
  • Convergent sequence: Susan aroora
  • Convergent series: Dareerin aroorta
  • Converse: Rogan
  • Converse of a theorem: Roganta aragtiin
  • Conversion: Isu rogid
  • Convex curve: Xood tuurre
  • Convex polygon: Geesoole tuurre
  • Coordinate: Kulan
  • Coplanar lines: Xarriiqyo iskusallax
  • Coplanar points: Baro iskusallax
  • Correspondence: Aaddanaan
  • Corresponding angles: Xaglo gudboon
  • Corresponding sides: Dhinacyo isku aaddan
  • Cosecant: Kosiikant
  • Cosine: Kosayn
  • Cost price: Qiimaha gadasho
  • Cotangent: Kotaajanti
  • Count: Tiri
  • Counter: Tiriye
  • Counter clockwise: Lid-saacadwareeg
  • Counting: Tirin
  • Credit: Deyn
  • Critical: Qiirqiir
  • Cross-multiplication: Iskudhufasho Talantaalli
  • Cross-product: Taran iswaydaar
  • Cramer’s rule: Xeerka Karamar
  • Cross-ratio: Saami iswaydaar
  • Cross-section: Jeeb isgudub
  • Cube: Saddex jibbaarane
  • Cube of a number: Saddex jibbaarane tiro
  • Cube root: Xidid saddex jibbaarane
  • Cubic: Saddex jibbaaran
  • Cubic curve: Xood saddex jibbaaran
  • Cubic equation: Isle’eg saddex jibbaaran
  • Cuboid: Sedjebike
  • Curvature: Xoodnaan
  • Curve: Xood
  • Curved line: Xarriiq xoodan
  • Curved surface: Dul xoodan
  • Cycle: Meerto
  • Cyclic polygon: Geesoole meersan
  • Cyclic quadrilateral: Afargeesoole meersan
  • Cylinder: Dhululubo
  • Cylindrical: Dhululubaysan

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