Erayada ka bilowda xarafka D ee Xisaabta
- Data: Xog
- Data, grouped: Xog kooxaysan
- Data, ordered: Xog horsan
- Data, raw: Xog cayriin
- Date: Taariikh
- Debt: Deyn
- Deca: Toban
- Decade: Toban sanno
- Decagon: Toban geesoole
- Decahedron: Toban salxaale
- Decametre: Dekaamitir
- Declaration: Karaar jabis
- Decigram: Dasigraam
- Decimal: Tobanle
- Decimal fraction: Jajab tobanle
- Decimal, mixed: Tobanle dhafan
- Decimal number: Tiro tobanle
- Decimal point: Bar jajab tobanle
- Decimal, repeating: Jajab tobanle noqnoqda
- Decimal system: Habdhiska tobanle
- Decimetre: Desimitir
- Decode: Afgarad furid
- Decoder: Afgarad fure
- Decreasing function: Fansaar dhimma
- Defective (deficient) number: Tiro dhimman
- Defined: Qeexan
- Definite integral: Abyane huban
- Degree: Digrii/Darajo
- Degree of an equation: Darajada isleāeg
- Degree of a polynomial: Darajada tibxaale
- De Morgan laws: Xeerarka Dimoorgan
- Denominator of a fraction: Hooseeyaha jajab
- Dependence: Ku xirnaan
- Dependent events: Waqdhacyo ku xiran
- Dependent variable: Doorsoome ku xiran
- Depreciation: Qiimadhac
- Depression, angle of: Xagal dhacsan
- Descending order: Horsanaan degta
- Derivation: Diirad
- Derivative: Diirane
- Determinant: Suge
- Deviation: Leexsanaan
- Deviation, standard: Leexsanaan beegal ah
- Diagonal of a matrix: Xaglagooye taxane
- Diagonal of determinant: Xaglagooye suge
- Diagonal of polygon: Xaglagooye geesoole
- Diagonal polyhedron: Xaglagooye salxaale
- Diagram: Jaantus
- Diameter of a circle: Dhexroor goobo
- Difference: Faraq
- Difference of two sets: Faraqa laba urur
- Difference of two squares: Faraqa laba laba jibbaarane
- Differentiable: Xigsingal
- Differential calculus: Kaalkulas xigsineed
- Differential coefficient: Weheliye xigsineed
- Differentiation: Xigsanayd
- Digit: God
- Digits, significant: Godad sugan
- Dihedral angle: Xagal labosallax
- Dimension: Aadimo
- Directed angle: Xagal jihan
- Directed numbers: Tirooyin jihaysan
- Directrix of a conic: Jeedshe toobineed
- Discount: Dhaafid
- Discriminant: Takoore
- Disjunction: Kala xidhe
- Displacement: Barabixin
- Distance: Fogaan
- Distance between two points: Fogaan u dhaxaysa laba barood
- Distance between two points, angular: Fogaan xagleed u dhaxaysa laba barood
- Distance, horizontal: Fogaan jiifta (jiif ah)
- Distance between two parallel plane: Fogaan u dhaxaysa laba sallax oo barbarro ah
- Distance from a point to a line: Fogaan min bar illaa xarriiq
- Distributive law of multiplication over addition: Xeerka kala dhiga isugaynta ee isku dhufashada
- Distribution: Kala dhigid
- Distribution, frequent: Kala dhigid rakaad
- Divergent: Kalahaad ah
- Divergent sequence: Susan kalahaad ah
- Divergent series: Dareerin kalahaad ah
- Divide: Qaybi
- Dividend: La qaybshe
- Divisibility: Qaybgalnimo
- Division: Isu qaybin
- Division, point of: Bar qaybin
- Divisor: Qaybshe
- Divisor, common: Qaybshe ay wadaagaan
- Divisor, greatest common: Qaybshe waynaha ay wadaagaan
- Dodecagon: Toban iyo laba geesle
- Dodecahedron: Toban iyo laba sallaxle
- Domain: Horaad
- Domain of a function: Horaad fansaar
- Double angle formulas: Jidadka laba xaglood
- Drawing to scale: Ku sawiran iskeel
- Drive: Diir
- Duodecimal system of numbers: Habdhiska toban iyo labaale ee tirooyin