
Xisaab -O-

Erayada ka bilowda xarafka O ee Xisaabta

  • Oblique: Janjeedh
  • Oblique angle: Xagal janjeedh
  • Oblique axis: Dhidib janjeedha
  • Oblique cone: Toobin janjeedha
  • Oblique coordinates: Kulanno janjeedha
  • Oblique line: Xarriiq janjeedha
  • Oblique plane: Sallax janjeedha
  • Oblique prism: Birisam janjeedha
  • Oblique triangle: Saddex xagal janjeedha
  • Obtuse angle: Xagal furan
  • Octagon: Siddeed geesle
  • Octagon, regular: Siddeed geesle habsan
  • Octahedron: Siddeed salxaale
  • Odd: Kisi
  • Odd function: Fansaar kisi ah
  • Odd number: Tiro kisi ah
  • Odds: Saami baqti iyo nasiib
  • Operation, binary: Xisaabfal labaale
  • Ordered pair: Lammaane horsan
  • Ordinate: Oordhinayt
  • Origin: Unug (bar asal)
  • Origin of Cartesian ordinate: Unugga kulannada Kaartis
  • Orthogonal: Qotome
  • Orthogonal circles: Goobooyin isku qotoma
  • Orthogonal curves: Xoodad isku qotoma
  • Outcome: Natiijo
  • Outcome space: Natiijo dululaati

Xisaab -N-

Erayada ka bilowda xarafka N ee Xisaabta

  • Naiperian Logarithm: Logardamka Nabiir
  • Natural Logarithm: Logardam Caadi ah
  • Natural Numbers: Tirsiimo
  • Nautical mile: Mayl badeed
  • Necessary condition: Xaalad/Shuruud lagamamaarmaan
  • Negate: Diidid
  • Negation: Diidmo
  • Negation of proportion: Diidmo howraareed
  • Negative: Taban
  • Negative angle: Xagal taban
  • Negative direction: Jiho taban
  • Negative sign: Calaamad taban
  • Neighbourhood: Derisnimo
  • Net: Saafi
  • Normal: Ligane
  • Normal line to a plane: Xarriiq ku ligan sallax
  • Normal to a curve at a point: Ku ligane bar xoodeed
  • Notation, scientific: Qormo saynis
  • Null set: Urur madhan
  • Number: Tiro
  • Number, absolute: Tiro sugan
  • Number, abundant: Tiro hodan ah
  • Number, defective (deficient): Tiro dhimman
  • Number line: Xarriiq tiro
  • Number, perfect: Tiro buuxda
  • Number, theory: Aragti tiro
  • Numbers, irrational: Tirooyin lakab la’
  • Numbers, rational: Tirooyin lakab
  • Numbers, real: Tirooyin maangal ah
  • Numbers, triangular: Tirooyin saddex xagal
  • Numerals: Asto-tiro
  • Numeration: Tirayn
  • Numerator: Hooseeye
  • Numerical analysis: Saafid tireed
  • Numerical coefficient: Weheliye tireed

Xisaab -M-

Erayada ka bilowda xarafka M ee Xisaabta

  • Machine: Mishiin
  • Magic squares: Labajibbaaraneyaasha sixirka
  • Magnitude: Laxaad
  • Major arc of (a circle): Qaanso weyn (goobo)
  • Major arc of (an ellipse): Dhidib weyne (qabaal)
  • Major segment of a circle: Qoqob weyne goobo
  • Mantissa: Qurub
  • Map: Khariirad
  • Mapping: Aaddin
  • Mark: Calaamad, amaarad
  • Mark, class: Summad inneed
  • Mathematical analysis: Saafid xisaabeed
  • Mathematical check: Hubin xisaabeed
  • Mathematical expectation: Filitaan xisaabeed
  • Mathematical induction: Dheegid xisaabeed
  • Mathematical logic: Mandiq xisaabeed
  • Mathematical model: Moodeel xisaabeed
  • Mathematics: Xisaab
  • Mathematics, applied: Xisaabta adeegsiga (dabaqa)
  • Mathematics of finance: Xisaab maaliyadeed
  • Mathematics, pure: Xisaab saafi
  • Matrix: Taxane
  • Maximal element of a set: Kutirsane ugu danbeeyaha urur
  • Maximum: Ugu weyn/ ugu sarreeya
  • Maximum height: Joog ugu sarreeya
  • Maximum value of a function: Qiimaha ugu wayn ee fansaar
  • Maximum value of a function, relative: U eegidda qiimaha ugu weyn uu fansaar
  • Mean: Tirosin, celcelin
  • Mean deviation: Tirosin leexsanaan
  • Measure: Qiyaas/Cabbir
  • Measure, angular: Qiyaas xagleed
  • Medium: Dhexfur (joometeri)/ Dhexeeye (tirokoob)
  • Medium of a group measurements: Dhexeeyaha cabbirrada kooxeed
  • Medium of a triangle: Dhexfur saddex-xagal
  • Memory: Xasuus
  • Midpoint: Bar-badhtameed
  • Midpoint of a line segment: Bartamaha qoqob xarriiqeed
  • Millimetre: Millimitir
  • Million: Milyan
  • Minimum: Ugu hooseeya/ Ugu yar
  • Minor: Yar
  • Minor arc of a circle: Qaanso yaro goobo
  • Minor axis of an ellipse: Dhidib yare qabaal
  • Minor circle: Goobo yar
  • Minor of an element in a determinant: Yaraha ku tirsane ee suge
  • Minus: Ka goo/ Ka jar
  • Minute: Daqiiqad
  • Mixed decimal: Tobanle dhafan
  • Mixed number: Tiro dhafan
  • Mode: Badi-dhece
  • Modulus of a complex number: Qiimaha sugan ee tiro murakab ah
  • Monomial: Tibxaale
  • Multiple: Dhufsane
  • Multiple, common: Dhufsane ay wadaagaan
  • Multiple, least common: Dhufane yaraha ay wadaagaan
  • Multiplicand: Lagu dhufte
  • Multiplication: Isku dhufasho
  • Multiplication, cross: Isku dhufasho talantaalli ah
  • Multiplication, inner: Isku dhufasho dhexe
  • Multiplication, scalar: Isku dhufasho foolwaa
  • Multiplication table: Tuse isku dhufasho
  • Multiplicative identity: Asal madoorshaha isku dhufashada
  • Multiplicative inverse: Rogaalka isku dhufashada

Xisaab -L-

Erayada ka bilowda xarafka L ee Xisaabta

  • Lateral: Dhinac
  • Lateral surface: Dul dhinaceed
  • Law: Xeer
  • Least common multiple: Dhufsane yaraha ay wadaagaan
  • Length: Dherer
  • Like terms: Tibxo isueg
  • Limit: Xad
  • Limit of a function: Xad fansaar
  • Limit of a sequence: Xad susum
  • Limits of glass interval: Xadadka gaalis ineed
  • Limits, fundamental theorem of: Aragtinnada asaasiga ah ee xadadka
  • Line: Xarriiq
  • Line, broken: Xarriiq googo’an
  • Lines, concurrent: Xarriiqo barwadaag ah
  • Line, directed: Xarriiq jihan
  • Line, direction of: Jiho xarriiqeed
  • Litre: Litir
  • Locus: Tub
  • Logarithm: Logardam
  • Logarithm, characteristics of: Abyanaha logardam
  • Logarithm, common: Logardam caadi ah
  • Logarithm, mantissa of: Qurub logardam
  • Logarithm, natural (Napierian): Logardamka nabiir
  • Logarithmic curve: Xood logardam
  • Logarithmic equation: Isle’eg logardam
  • Logic, mathematical: Loojig xisaabeed (mandiq)
  • Lowest terms, in: Tibxaha ugu fudud
  • Lowest common multiple: Dhufsane yaraha ay wadaagaan

Xisaab -K-

Erayada ka bilowda xarafka K ee Xisaabta

  • K:
  • Key: Fure
  • Keyword: Erayfure
  • Kilogram: Kiilogaraam
  • Kilometre: Kiiloomitir

Xisaab -I-

Erayada ka bilowda xarafka I ee Xisaabta

  • Identical figures: Shaxanno midaalsan
  • Identity: Midaal
  • Identity element: Asalmadoorshe
  • Identity relation: Xiriir asalmadoorshe
  • If and only if: Haddii iyo haddii qudha
  • Image: Humaag
  • Image of an element: Humaag walxeed
  • Imaginary: Khayaal
  • Imaginary axis: Dhidib khayaal
  • Imaginary numbers: Tirooyin khayaal
  • Imaginary part of a complex number: Jeex khayaal tiro murakab
  • Imaginary roots: Xididdo khayaal
  • Implementation: Hirgalin
  • Implication: Daminaad
  • Implies: Daminataa
  • Implicit function: Fansaar dahsoon
  • Improper function: Jajab ma qummane
  • Inch: Hiish
  • In-circle: Goobogudeed
  • Inclination, angle of: Xagal janjeer
  • Inclination of a line in a plane: Janjeerka xarriiq ku taal sallax
  • Inclination of a line in a space: Janjeerka xarriiq ku taal dululaati
  • Inclined plane: Sallax janjeera
  • Inclusion: Ku jirid
  • Inconsistent equations: Surmaseegto
  • Increasing function: Fansaar kordha
  • Increment: Koror
  • Indefinite (integral): Hubnayn (abyane)
  • Independent: Madaxbannaan
  • Independent events: Waqdhacyo madaxbannaan
  • Independent variables: Doorsoome madaxbannaan
  • Index: Muujiye
  • Indices: Muujiyeyaal
  • Inductive method: Habka dheegid
  • Inequality: Ismale’eg
  • Inference: U cuskasho
  • Inference, statistical: U cuskasho tirokoobeed
  • Infinite: Makoobane
  • Infinite sequence: Susun makoobane
  • Infinite series: Darcerin makoobane
  • Infinite set: Urur makoobane
  • Infinity: Tirobeel
  • Infinity, point at: Bar tirobeel
  • Infinity, line at: Xarriiq tirobeel
  • Inflexion: Rogmad
  • Inflexion point: Bar rogaal
  • Inscribed: Dhex meeran
  • Instantaneous: Ilbidhiqsiyeed
  • Instruction: Amar
  • Integer: Abyoone
  • Integer, negative: Abyoone taban
  • Integer, positive: Abyoone togan
  • Integral calculus: Kaalkulas abyineed
  • Integral, definite: Abyineed huban
  • Integral indefinite: Abyineed aan hubnayn
  • Integration: Abyin
  • Integration by parts: Abyin jeexeed
  • Intercept: Tikraar
  • Interest: Ribo
  • Interest, rate of: Dhakhsiyaha ribo
  • Interior angle of polygon: Xagal gudeed geesoole
  • Interior angles, alternate: Xagal gudeedyo talantaalli ah
  • Interpolation: Dhexbeegid
  • Intersect: Isgoys
  • Intersection of two curves: Isgoyska laba xood
  • Intersection of two sets: Dhextaal laba urur
  • Interval: Gaalis
  • Interval, close: Gaalis xidhan
  • Interval, half-open: Gaalis badh-furan
  • Introduction: Hordhac
  • Inverse: Waydaar
  • Inverse element: Waydaarka kutirsane
  • Inverse of an implication: Waydaarka daminaad
  • Inverse logarithm: Weydaarka logardam
  • Inverse of matrix: Waydaarka taxane
  • Inverse of a number: Weydaar tiro
  • Inversely proportional: Saamigal waydaar
  • Investment: Maalgelin
  • Isomorphism: Aysoomarfiisam
  • Isosceles: Labaale
  • Isosceles trapezoid: Xoor labaale ah
  • Isosceles triangle: Saddex-xagal labaale ah

Xisaab -H-

Erayada ka bilowda xarafka H ee Xisaabta

  • Half: Badh
  • Half line: Xarriiq badh
  • Half plane: Sallax badh
  • Half space: Dululaati badh
  • Harmonic: Tawaafuqi
  • Hectare: Hektaar
  • Hecto: Hegto
  • Hectogram: Hegtogaraam
  • Hectolitre: Hegtolitir
  • Hectometre: Hegtomitir
  • Height: Joog
  • Hemisphere: Kubbad-badh
  • Heptagon: Toddobogeesle
  • Heptahedral: Toddobosalxaale ah
  • Heptahedron: Toddobosalxaale
  • Heptangular: Toddobo-xagalle
  • Heterogeneous: Kalakaan
  • Heuristic: Tajriibi
  • Hexa: Lix
  • Hexagon: Lixgeesle
  • Hexagonal: Lixgeesle ah
  • Hexahedron: Lixsalxaale ah
  • Highest common divisor: Qaybshe weynaha ay wadaagaan
  • Highest common factor: Isir weynaha ay wadaagaan
  • Histogram: Histoogaraam
  • Homomorphism: Homomorfiya
  • Horizontal line: Xarriiq jiifta
  • Horizontal plane: Sallax jiifa
  • Hundred’s place: Rugta boqolaad
  • Hundredth: Boqoleed
  • Hundredweight: Handarawayd
  • Hyperbola: Labasaab
  • Hyperbolic function: Fansaar labasaable
  • Hyperbolic logarithm: Loogardam labasaable
  • Hyperboloid: Labasaab-eke
  • Hypotenuse: Shakaal
  • Hypothesis: Afeef
  • Hypothesis, composite: Afeef dhafan
  • Hypothesis, null: Afeef madhan
  • Hypothesis, simple: Afeef fudud
  • Hypothesis, testing of: Tijaabin afeef

Xisaab -G-

Erayada ka bilowda xarafka G ee Xisaabta

  • Gain: Macaash
  • General: Guud
  • General equation: Isle’eg guud
  • Generalization: Guud ahaanayn
  • Generate: Dhali
  • Generator of a group: Koox dhaliye
  • Geometric average: Celcelis joometriyeed
  • Geometric figure: Shaxan joomateri
  • Geometric mean: Celcelis joometeriyeed
  • Geometric progression: Susan joometeri
  • Geometric series: Dareerin joometeri
  • Geometric, solid: Joometiri adke
  • Geometric surface: Dul joometeri
  • Geometrical drawing: Sawir joometeriyeed
  • Geometry: Joometeri
  • Geometry, analytic: Joometeri saafan
  • Geometry, plane: Joometeri sallax
  • Geometry, Riemannian: Joometeriga Reymaan
  • Geometry, spherical: Joometeri kubbadeed
  • Geometry, vector: Joometeri leeb
  • Gradient: Tiiro
  • Graduated: Qiyaasan
  • Gram: Garaam
  • Graph: Garaaf
  • Graph, bar: Garaaf jiitimeed
  • Graph, broken line: Garaaf xarriiq googo’an
  • Graph, circular: Garaaf goobo
  • Graphical solution of an equation: Furfurista garaafeed ee isle’eg
  • Graphical solution of inequalities: Furfurista garaafeed ee ismale’ege
  • Graphing: Garaafayn
  • Group: Koox
  • Group, Abelian: Koox abeel
  • Group, commutative: Koox kala hormarta
  • Group, composite: Koox dhafan
  • Group, finite: Koox kooban
  • Group, permutation: Koox racayn
  • Group, simple: Koox fudud
  • Group, sub: Koox-hoosaad
  • Group, symmetric: Koox wanqaran
  • Grouping terms: Kooxayn tibxo

Xisaab -F-

Erayada ka bilowda xarafka F ee Xisaabta

  • Face: Weji
  • Factor: Isir
  • Factor, common: Isir ay wadaagaan
  • Factor, greatest common: Isir waynaha ay wadaagaan
  • Factor, of a polynomial: Isir tibxaale
  • Factor, prime: Isir mutaxan
  • Factor of a term: Isir tibix
  • Factor theorem: Aragtiin isir
  • Factorable: Isirgal
  • Factorial: Abnaq
  • Factoring (Factorization): Abnaqid
  • False: Been
  • Family: Qoys
  • Family of curves: Qoys xoodad ah
  • Fibonacci number: Tirada fiibonaatshi
  • Field: Badad
  • Field, complete ordered: Badad horsanaan dhan
  • Field, ordered: Badad horsan
  • Figure: Shaxan
  • Figure, geometric: Joometeri shaxan
  • Figure, plane: Shaxan sallax
  • Finite: Kooban
  • Finite decimal fraction: Jajab tobanle kooban
  • Finite outcomes: Natiijo kooban
  • Finite series: Dareerin kooban
  • Finite set: Urur kooban
  • First derivative: Diirane koobaad
  • Fixed point: Bar maguurto
  • Flow chart: Kaarto howlraac
  • Focal chords of a conic: Boqonno kulmiseed toobineed
  • Focal radius of a conic: Gacan kulmiseed toobineed
  • Focus of a conic: Kulmis toobineed
  • Foot: Fuudh/cag
  • Form: Sansaan
  • Form, standard: Sansaan beegal ah
  • Fraction, common: Jajab caadi ah
  • Fraction, decimal: Jajab tobanle
  • Frame: Idaar
  • Frame of reference: Idaar tilmaameed
  • Frequency, cumulative: Rakaad isbiirsada
  • Frequency distribution: Kala dhigid rakaad
  • Frequency polygon: Geesoole rakaad
  • Function: Fansaar
  • Function, cumulative: Rakaad isbiirsada
  • Function, constant: Fansaar madoorsoome
  • Function, continuous: Fansaar is-haysta
  • Function, decreasing: Fansaar dhimma
  • Function, distribution: Fansaar kala dhigid
  • Function, even: Fansaar dhaban
  • Function, explicit: Fansaar qayaxan
  • Function, exponential: Fansaar jibbaareed
  • Function, identity: Fansaar asalmadoorshe
  • Function, implicit: Fansaar dahsoon
  • Function, increasing: Fansaar kordha
  • Function, into (injection): Fansaar mahagooge
  • Function, inverse: Fansaar waydaar
  • Function, one-to-one (bijection): Fansaar mid-ka-mid
  • Function, onto (surjection): Fansaar hagooge
  • Function, periodic: Fansaar kalgal
  • Function, zero: Fansaar eber
  • Function, algebraic: Fansaar aljabreed
  • Functions, composition of: Dhafid fansaaro
  • Function, equality of: Isle’egaan fansaaro
  • Function, trigonometric: Fansaarro tirignoometeri
  • Fundamental operation of arithmetic: Xisaab fallada aasaasiga ah ee aritmatig
  • Fundamental theorem of algebra: Aragtiin asaasiga algebra
  • Fundamental theorem of integral calculus: Aragtiin aasaasiga kaalkulaska abyan